2007年4月18日 星期三

[MV] What Goes Around.../Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake & Scarlett Johansson,這兩位我非常喜歡的藝人拍了"What Goes Around"的MV。長達九分鐘的音樂錄影帶,華麗細膩的場景、奢華復古的造型,搭配上好聽的歌曲,以及…沒什麼意義的故事情節,整個是超棒啊啊啊啊!

從N'Sync時代我就還滿喜歡Justin Timberlake的,Pop跟Cry Me a River是我最一開始認識Justin的歌,那時候就覺得這傢伙超酷。至於Scarlett Johansson則是在看愛情不用翻譯時驚為天人,之後便覺得she is really gorgeous!

"What Goes Around"是Justin這張「愛/未來式」(FutureSex/LoveSounds)的單曲,從歌詞中不斷描述對方的行徑與背叛,很容易推想這首歌是寫給Britney的,雖然說賈先生是矢口否認就是了。另外一個否認的則是在拍攝MV時與Scarlett鬧緋聞(那時候已經甩了Cameron Diaz),Oh…C'mon,這兩個Hot Babes要不傳也有困難吧。

雖名為"What Goes Around...",在曲末還附加了一段"...Comes Around",急轉而下的轉折效果十分突出,整首歌平穩的風格與節奏吸引力,讓人會想要多聽幾次。(害我最近一天到晚在唱這首歌)

Scarlett: Leave me alone. I'm with someone.
Justin: Really?
Scarlett: Yeah.
Justin: Who?
Scarlett: That guy over there.
Justin: Look, I've never seen you before.
You work at the club?
Scarlett: I'm really bored.
Justin: You're bored? Really? So I'm boring?
Scarlett: Yes. Yes. That's right. You bore me.
Justin: I happen to think I'm a lot of fun.
Scarlett: Okay. What are you gonna do to entertain me?
Justin: (whispers)
Scarlett: You like to play, hmm? You got a car?
Lets get the hell out of here.




衛報音樂錄影帶專欄︰Guardian Unlimited Video
What Goes Around... / ...Comes Around
What Goes Around Lyrics

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